WOOF :: sites( Arguments $args = array() )
Returns a collection of WOOF_Site objects representing all of the sites in the multi-site network, or a collection of one site if the current environment is not multi-site.
An arguments array or string with the following params:
- nocache => 0, // if 1 or true, this method will refetch the results from the database each time. This is 0 by default, since the query is relatively expensive.
- include_id => ”, // includes only these sites in the results, comma-delimited
- exclude_id => ”, // excludes these sites from the results, comma-delimted
- blogname_like => ”, // domain or path is like this value
- ip_like => ”, // Match IP address
- reg_date_since => ”, // sites registered since (accepts pretty much any valid date like tomorrow, today, 5/12/2009, etc.)
- reg_date_before => ”, // sites registered before
- include_user_id => ”, // only sites owned by these users, comma-delimited
- exclude_user_id => ”, // don’t include sites owned by these users, comma-delimited
- include_spam => false, // Include sites marked as “spam”
- include_deleted => false, // Include deleted sites
- include_archived => false, // Include archived sites
- include_mature => false, // Included blogs marked as mature
- public_only => true, // Include only blogs marked as public
- sort_column => ‘registered’,// or registered, last_updated, blogname, site_id.
- order => ‘asc’, // or desc
- limit_results => ”, // return this many results
- start => ”, // return results starting with this item