An alias for the WOOF_PostType::in_a method, to retrieve a list of posts for this post type that are attached (or aren’t attached) to one or more given taxonomy terms, in a very concise easy-to-use way that almost reads like english.
This method uses get_posts to retrieve the posts, so you can further clarify this query with the args parameter.
An array or CSV string of terms to check for.
The name of the taxonomy to check against.
An arguments array or string further clarifying the query used to retrieve the matching posts, with defaults:
- orderby => “name”
- order => “asc”
- posts_per_page => -1
- post_type => The name of this post type (enforced, cannot be changed)
- tax_query => The taxonomy query to match the other arguments provided (enforced)
If true, reverses the query to search for posts in this type that do NOT match the given terms and taxonomy.