WOOF :: content_image( String $path, Boolean $main = "auto" )
An image file object representing the image. This will still be returned even if the file does not exist. You can then check existence with the "exists method (see example).
Retrieves a WOOF_Image object representing an image file at the path given.
A path relative to the wp-content folder (or the blogs.dir/NUMBER folder, if $main is false, or “auto”)
Boolean $main = "auto"
Specifies if path is relative to the main wp-content directory in the case of a multisite environment, or the root blogs.dir/blogid folder. This can have 3 possible values:
- “auto” (default) – check for the file in wp-content/blogs.dir/blog_id FIRST. If it exists, return a file object for that, otherwise try the main wp-content directory
- false – only look in the wp-content/blogs.dir/blog_id folder.
- true – only look in the main wp-content folder.