WOOF_Collection :: sort( String $name, String $order = "ASC", Boolean $case_insensitive = true, Boolean $clone = false, Mixed $numeric = "AUTO" )
Returns a collection of the items in the collection sorted by the values for the given property. A “property” here can be a genuine object property, or the result of a method call as handled by the WOOF_Wrap::get method.
The name of the property whose values will be used to sort the collection
String $order = "ASC"
The order of the sort – “ASC” for ascending, “DESC” for descending
Boolean $case_insensitive = true
Whether alphanumeric sorting will ignore case.
Boolean $clone = false
If true, the original collection will be untouched, and a clone of the sorted collection will be returned instead.
Mixed $numeric = "AUTO"
Can be either:
* “AUTO” which will use numeric sorting for known numeric properties such as menu_order and id, and string sorting for all others,
* true which will force a numeric sort
* false which will use string sorting