WOOF_Collection :: orderby( $name, String $order = "ASC", Boolean $case_insensitive = false, Mixed $numeric = "AUTO" )
Returns a collection of the items in the collection sorted by the values for the given property. This method is a preset on the WOOF_Collection::sort method, with the clone argument set to false meaning that this method does not affect the original collection.
The property name whose values will be used to sort by
String $order = "ASC"
The order to sort by, either “ASC” for ascending, or “DESC” for descending
Boolean $case_insensitive = false
Whether to ignore the case of the values when sorting
Mixed $numeric = "AUTO"
Can be either:
* “AUTO” which will use numeric sorting for known numeric properties such as menu_order and id, and string sorting for all others,
* true which will force a numeric sort
* false which will use string sorting