WOOF :: children( Arguments $args = array() )
WOOF_Collection of WOOF_Post
A collection of child posts if the current object is a post.
WOOF_Collection of WOOF_Term
A collection of child terms if the current object is a term.
An empty collection if there are no child objects, or the current object is not hierarchical, or the current object is not a post or term.
Retrieves the immediate child objects of the current WordPress WOOF::object.
This method uses get_posts or get_terms to retrieve the children, and you can further clarify this query with the args parameter (the parent parameter will be enforced to actually retrieve the children).
Note: this will only return meaningful results if the current object is a post or term (and the type / taxonomy is hierarchical respectively).
An arguments array or string further clarifying the query used to retrieve the children, with defaults:
- orderby => “name”
- order => “asc”