Checks to see if this user can perform the capability provided, via the WordPress function user_can.
Retrieves the text in the Biographical Info field in the user profile.
Retrieves the email address of the user.
An internal method used to fetch additional info attached to the user – any methods that rely on this will call this first.
An internal method used to fetch additional info attached to the user – any methods that rely on this will call this first.
Retrieves the first name of the user.
Retrieves the full name of the user, by joining the first and last names together.
Retrieves the full name of the user, by joining the first and last names together.
Checks if this user has the given role.
Retrieves the database ID for this user.
Retrieves additional info about the user – either a single property for a given name, or the WP_User object if no name is provided.
Checks if the user is the same as a given user id.
An alias for the WOOF_User::has_role method, to check if this user has the given role.
An alias for the WOOF_User::has_role method, to check if this user has the given role.
Checks if the user is the current logged in user.
Retrieves the last name of the user.
Retrieves HTML for a link (anchor) tag pointing to the archive page for this user, using the full name of the user as the link text by default.
Retrieves the login name for the user.
Retrieves HTML for a mailto link (anchor) tag for this user, using their email address as the link text.
An alias of the WOOF_User::login method to retrieve the login name for the user.
An alias for the method, to retrieves the nick name field for the user, as entered in their profle.
Retrieves the nick name field for the user, as entered in their profle.
Returns the full URL (including domain and protocol) to the author archive page for this user.
Retrieve the list of posts that this user is the author of.This method uses get_posts to retrieve the posts, so you can further clarify this query with the args parameter.
A preset on the WOOF::query_posts method, to retrieve the posts authored by this user, while also affecting the main query loop.
Retrieves the date this user was created in WordPress.
Retrieves a WOOF_Role object representing the first role that this user is recorded in.
Retrieves a collection of WOOF_Role objects representing all of the roles that the user is part of.
An alias of the WOOF_User::fullname method to retrieve the full name of the user, by joining the first and last names together.
Returns a the URL pointing to the author archive page for this user.
An alias of the WOOF_User::login method to retrieve the login user name for this user.