Extends WOOF_User


Extends the WOOF_User class to include support for MasterPress field sets and incoming post relations.

Example: A few ways (of many) to obtain a MEOW_User

List of Methods


  • f( String $name )MEOW_Field

    A synonym for the MEOW_User::field method to retrieve a field for this user.

  • field( String $name )MEOW_Field

    Retrieves a field for this user with the given name.

  • has( String $name )MEOW_Field OR MEOW_FieldSet OR Boolean

    Checks for the existence of a set or a field for this user, and that there are entries or values entered for either.

  • has_field( String $name )MEOW_Field OR Boolean

    Checks for the existence of a field and that the field has content entered for this user.

  • has_set( String $name )MEOW_FieldSet OR Boolean

    Checks for the existence of a field set of a given name for this user, and if the set has entries in the case of a multi-item set.

  • incoming( Array / String $args = array() )WOOF_Collection of MEOW_Post

    Retrieves all posts that are related to this user via the Related User field type.

  • query_incoming( Array / String $args = array() )WOOF_Collection of MEOW_Post

    Retrieves all posts that are related to the this user by means of the Related User field type, while also affecting the main query loop in WordPress.

  • s( String $name )MEOW_FieldSet OR WOOF_Silent

    A synonym for the set to retrieve a field set for this user with the given name. Note: It is generally more concise to make use of the [method__get”] method overloading to retrieve a set, but this method is a fallback when the field name clashes with a known property of the term.

  • set( String $name )MEOW_FieldSet OR WOOF_Silent

    Retrieves a field set for this term with the given name. Note: It is more concise to make use of the __get method overloading to retrieve a set, but this method is a fallback when the field name clashes with a known property of the user. .

Taxonomy Terms


PHP Interface Method

Internal Use

  • __get( String $name )Mixed OR WOOF_Silent

    Implements the PHP magic method __get called when an unknown property is accessed.

  • blank( Boolean $ )

    An internal method to check if this object represents a user that actually exists.

Base Class Methods

View method list from the base class WOOF_User.

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Ability to deactivate licence domains within MasterPress account management

25th October 2024

We have just rolled out an account management feature which allows licence holders to have better control over the domains that use their licence key. From the MasterPress Account Management page, the list of Active Sites that use your licence now includes a function that allows you to remove a domain from your licence. Simply… 

Plugin Requirements

MasterPress requires a minimum of WordPress version 4.9, MySQL 5.6, and PHP version 5.6.20.

We also recommend that PHP is configured to use a memory limit of 64MB per request (128MB may be required for sites with higher complexity).

This plug-in is not compatible with the hosted service.

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